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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Doctors in white dress is going to be closed

Doctors and medical students to be wearing a white coat or a hospital infection from spreading! A recent study found, the infection became the world this white kotai. For that reason, it has claimed that Indian doctors will be allowed to wear the white coat shirt. Then, the researchers assumed that the infection can be controlled to some extent.
 Iyenepoya to graduate from Bangalore Medical College, said Edmond Fernandes, is to protect patients from infection; doctors will be able to stop before wearing coat and white shirt. In his statement, for each hasapatalerai
 There should be a committee, which would be part of hospital infections, keep an eye on this.
 However, the words of Edmund, the first stages of infection Bokhara the ban doctors in white coats. Sbasthyamantrakake was endeavoring to do so. This research report has been published recently in the journal BMJ.
 Edmund said there, there is a tradition of Indian doctor’s sadakortera. Since the 19th century, doctors wear this coat. There is no denying this is way beyond the bounds, but it is dangerous for patients. Because of the spread of infection, he said,
can be seen at the hospitals medical students do not wear the coat. The hospital does not have all the advantages. For that. Quotes from the hall came to the hospital. As a result, the dust on the road in white coats to come up with the germ. The researchers say, junior doctors white coat today shopping malls and even after going to see the movie. When he went to the hospital after reading the quotes..

Wearing white coat of doctors banned for the same reason britenao. No doctor wears a white coat naemanaki to 007 009 of the American Medical Association doctors wanted to stop wearing the white coat. However, many fear the end it was not possible.

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